Linux ext2 filesystem driver now marked as deprecated

#106 · 🔥 159 · 💬 65 · one month ago · · rrampage · 📷
Here we are talking about the driver for this filesystem, not exactly the filesystem itself. It's the ext2 filesystem driver that will be marked as deprecated in the upcoming 6.9 Linux kernel. The main issue is that even if the filesystem is created with 256 byte inodes, the filesystem driver will stick to 32 bit dates. Mount -t ext2 /dev/sda1 /mnt ext2 filesystem being mounted at /mnt supports timestamps until 2038-01-19. Users are advised to mount their filesystem with the ext4 driver. The ext4 filesystem driver is fully compatible with ext2, though the filesystem will remain an ext2 one. If you mount it with the ext4 driver, it will remain an ext2 filesystem but will support 64 bit dates!
Linux ext2 filesystem driver now marked as deprecated

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