Doom Captcha (2021)

#19 · 🔥 470 · 💬 130 · one month ago · · EndXA · 📷
DOOM Captcha - Captchas don't have to be boring. Disclaimer: Don't take this too seriously, this is a little project for fun, if do you know how to code it's pretty easy to break the security of this. The code repository is available on GitHub, feel free to contribute with pull requests or fork the project for your own. DOOM Captcha become TOP 1 Product of the Day on Product Hunt, thank you! I think that today there have been much better projects than this one, but somehow DOOM Captcha has brought you some kind of nostalgia and you felt the project as yours. I'd like to continue my career as a creative developer, so you all gave me a little more confidence in me, if you loved this I'd like you to check out my projects as well. Do you like this? I made the worst captcha ever Squat Captcha, also you can check out my side projects.
Doom Captcha (2021)

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