FreeBee: AT&T Unix PC emulator

#102 · 🔥 105 · 💬 49 · 16 days ago · · luu · 📷
I'm developing an emulator for the AT&T UNIX PC. Currently it can boot the 3B1 UNIX operating system and run acceptably. There are some documents and other items here which may be useful to 3B1 owners. The emulator currently boots 3B1 UNIX, and thanks to the hard efforts of many people, can run a wide variety of software. To install, build the code as per the README. You will need to compile the emulator, create a hard drive image, then follow the instructions in the AT&T manuals to install the System Software. The 3B1 emulator would not be possible without the generous donation of two AT&T UNIX PC systems and software disks by Antoni Sawicki. Rew Warkentin has contributed many significant patches which improve the quality of the emulation and allow UNIX to be booted inside the emulator. Steven Hirsch scanned the entire two-binder 3B1 UNIX PC Technical Reference and released them on the Classic Computers Mailing List.
FreeBee: AT&T Unix PC emulator

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