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Why Are We in the West So Weird? A Theory (2020) (nytimes.com)
2 points by charlysl 16 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

The Westerners are parochial about the West. No more, no less.

That's why they have very little knowledge of the great Empires of the East when Western Empires were, to put it mildly, piddling little affairs.

That's also why the Westerners have a Superiority Complex and think that are 'naturally' better than Asians, Africans, etc.

Whereas the 1900s were the 'American Century', the 2000s are going to be the 'Asian Century' with China and India (and several other Asian countries) going to be the king-pins, while Western countries are going the be the 'Poor and Sick Men' of the World. But Westerners haven't understood that yet. They are going to be shocked and depressed when that realisation finally hits home.

The West once was not that different of a backward r3rd world egime. Look up at England's, Spain, France and so on backstories.

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