Make a document look like it was written by a Cthulhu-worshipping madman? (2011)

#102 · 🔥 100 · 💬 4 · 2 years ago · · segfaultbuserr · 📷
I recently had occasion to want to have paths in TikZ that corresponded to characters in some font, so I figured out a process whereby I could convert a font to a family of PGF paths which could then be used in TikZ pictures as node shapes. This allows for fancy font effects and doing things to letters that are a little. Out of pure curiosity, I tried putting the random steps decoration on the letters and the effect reminded me of this question. Believe it or not, the font used there is the famous STIX font. Not sure the original designers would approve, though. It is also properly kerned and the lines are automatically broken. The astute who know their PGF manual well will already know that the library shapes.
Make a document look like it was written by a Cthulhu-worshipping madman? (2011)

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