Writing a Programming Book in 2021

# · 🔥 186 · 💬 64 · 2 years ago · jmtirado.net · wilsonfiifi · 📷
A programming book in the 21st century with all those wonderful online resources you can find for free? Yes. Sometimes publishers contact you looking for a book about a specific topic. Spend your time defining the contents, they must make sense in your head. Remember, a book tells a story, and a programming book does it too. Structure your contentsA programming book is particularly demanding in terms of contents. Be humbleWhen writing a technical book you must accept something: you are not the one who knows the most. The book has just been published and I'm thinking about improvements, extensions, and new sections. The bullets I presented here are my humble contribution from my experience self-publishing a programming book.
Writing a Programming Book in 2021

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