Strengthening our workplace with neurodiverse talent

# · 🔥 137 · 💬 253 · 2 years ago · · ingve · 📷
My passion for neurodiversity began 10 years ago, when I became involved with Els for Autism, an organization that works with children and adults who have autism, as well as their families. At the time, I had a friend who was struggling to find resources for his son with autism. The organization's focus on autism in the workplace resonated deeply with me, due to the rich experiences I had working with individuals with autism over the course of my career. It is in that spirit that I am excited to announce the launch of Google Cloud's Autism Career Program, designed to hire and support more talented people with autism in the rapidly growing cloud industry. One key pillar of our program is to train up to 500 Google Cloud managers and others who are involved in hiring processes. We're taking this approach to break down the barriers that candidates with autism most often face. For these reasons, we will offer candidates in this program reasonable accommodations like extended interview time, providing questions in advance, or conducting the interview in writing in a Google Doc rather than verbally on a call.
Strengthening our workplace with neurodiverse talent

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