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“So to prove that anyone can be scammed, I was convinced to delete my YouTube (twitter.com/jimbrowning11)
31 points by lightlyused on July 27, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

For context (especially since all of Jim's posts are, guessing, gone from YouTube for the time being), Jim Browning is an impressive 'white hat hacker' (not sure he'd use that term himself) who spies on, stymies, and exposes intricate scam operations. In addition to reversing connections to those who attempt to remote-desktop scam him, his escapades include collaborating with local authorities, accessing CCTV networks of offices where scams are run, and intercepting scams that are currently being carried out on unwitting, scared citizens.

He’s definitely not a white hat unless he’s secretly law enforcement and has valid warrants for his work. Many of his techniques run afoul of the CFAA.

‘Gray hat’ I believe is the right term.

Grey hat just means society doesn't hate you right now.

I'm surprised he doesn't first check the whois/nslookup of the domain name contacting him. That's always the dead giveaway whenever I get contacted by scammers

Shorter video.

He mentions he was recording the attempt. I assume the scam was made possible because he was going along with it to some extent and accidentally went too far.

Wow, this is shocking that the scammers out-scammed Jim Browning, a well-known YouTuber fighting cyber-scams. I hope the channel is restored as soon as possible! I wonder what recourses are available when you delete a YouTube channel yourself...

a determined enough attacker can get through any defense. This youtuber probably made some enemies of the scam artists, so they will target him regardless of profitability imho.

Yeah it doesn't seem to be a profitable scam, but rather probably just revenge or to protect themselves...

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