To become a good C programmer (2011)

# · ✸ 62 · 💬 15 · 2 years ago · · davikrr · 📷
Bad C readings I'm going to start with the things I didn't take too seriously: Internet tutorials, blogs and almost anything brought by Google. No good book is as good as a disassembly output. The classic and first book you should read about C. It will be easy to pick up as it is a 272 pages, 386 grams book. This book makes C appears very small and simple so it is very encouraging to learn. Through numerous bug anecdotes and trivia the reader will be introduced again to integral promotion, subscripting, decaying and many other C marvels. The three books mentioned remain the best in my opinion ... but what about the C Standard Library ?. The best book to master the C Library is with no doubt "The Standard C Library" by P.J. Plauger : Not only it comes with an implementation of the entire library, it also discuss design decisions and provides historical perspectives which are paramount in order to write portablecode and C11's threads.
To become a good C programmer (2011)

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