An alternative to hiring and paying employees – the Qbix Compensation Model

#101 · ✸ 25 · 💬 25 · 2 years ago · · EGreg · 📷
Wouldn't it be nice if people with the right skills could come and help you grow your revenues? Wouldn't it be great if they'd be excited to keep doing it? They just might, if you could compensate them for it. A developer comes along and offers to build a feature that could potentially double or triple your revenue. The key idea behind the QCM is that your product's revenue is the bottom line that you obtain from multiplying all the little factors that go into it. Once the new feature launches, find the average revenue per user for the two weeks before the launch. Then for weeks 3 and 4 after the launch, calculate the average revenue for the users who experienced the new feature. If you wind up contributing more down the line, then you "Claw back" your share of future revenues from 90% back to something closer to 100%. The cool thing is, all of you are always motivated to compete and see who can grow the pie more. If you sit back and do nothing except attract people to your project, your company will still get 90% of the revenue from that product line.
An alternative to hiring and paying employees – the Qbix Compensation Model

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