Focus: Assign multiple engineers to the same task

# · ✸ 46 · 💬 18 · 2 years ago · · signa11 · 📷
Have you ever noticed that Jira SWE work tracking systems allow assigning only one person to a given task? The whole industry runs around the assumption that at the bottom "One task == one person". The more I think about it through the years, the more confident I am that it's a very unproductive thing to do, and we should default to two people working at the same time on a given task. Oftentimes it's as bad as absolutely always assigning more work than possibly can actually get done given historical evidence, and sometimes it's more benign "Each person works on one ticket, but each on a different one so we can make progress with as many things as we can". By the time the work is concluded, the final code review is almost unnecessary, as everything, from the ideas, approach, implementation was potentially reviewed by two or more people multiple times already. Yes, overall fewer tasks will be worked on at the same time, but if you read The Goal, you will realize that this might actually be another benefit, and not an actual weakness. Better team cohesion as people work and interact more closely together against the same problem,. The work actually assigned getting done faster as people working together can get it done much faster.
Focus: Assign multiple engineers to the same task

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