SSC Engine: Golang Front End Components

# · ✸ 58 · 💬 5 · 2 years ago · · yuriizinets · 📷
Develop frontend Server Side Components with Go. Functional Component approach, async operations, component server side methods and more. Customizable Feel free to use context feature, define own handlers with context setters. SSR-first, fast, reliable An HTML render engine concept that brings frontend-like components experience to the server side with native html/template on steroids. Use full power of Go, build your parallel development process around components system, deliver your webpages fast! Feel free to use landing page of this library as starter project. Use server defined component methods, instead of including logic in JS payload. Cross-component communication. This engine tries to bring components and async experience to the traditional server-side rendering. Rely on the server to do the rendering, minimum JS specifics or client-side only behavior.
SSC Engine: Golang Front End Components

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