Show HN: Qsh – Improved database querying from your terminal

# · ✸ 57 · 💬 4 · 2 years ago · · muhmud · 📷
Query SHell - improved database querying from your terminal. For better viewing of SQL results, the pspg pager is recommended you could also use less -SinFX. When displaying results, qsh will try to make a sensible choice you can instead explicitly choose a pager. Then add the ~/.qsh/bin directory to your PATH. You now just need to setup the editor you want to use for writing SQL statements, which will be triggered from your SQL client tool. Scripts are shortcuts for SQL statements that return a consistent data set across different database servers. Snippets are similar to scripts the results are injected into the editor instead of being displayed as query results. QSH EDITOR - The editor you are going to be using, which defaults to $VISUAL. QSH PAGER - The pager you will be using, which by default will try pspg, less, and cat in that order. You won't be able to get qsh to work when the editor is running locally and the SQL client is on a remote server, i.e. running within an SSH connection.
Show HN: Qsh – Improved database querying from your terminal

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