That time I told my wife I wanted to quit my job

#27 · 🔥 426 · 💬 247 · 2 years ago · · ezekg · 📷
I had just celebrated 3 happy years of marriage with my wife. Before the first commit, I had gotten home from $WORK some odd hours earlier, ate dinner, spent time with my wife. I was going to tell my wife that I wanted to quit my job. Maybe I'm just going through another rough patch and the burnout will lessen given time. Until one day, after venting about a manager and having to work late at the day job, and being on overload because I was up late the night before dealing with an outage for my own business, she asked me what I wanted to do. I've been working on the business for 5 years and I still don't have a go-to growth channel. I'm still trying new marketing strategies like I was years back, albeit with a more conservative budget since the stakes are higher now.
That time I told my wife I wanted to quit my job

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