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How our SaaS landed its first 20 B2B partnerships with cold email (cloutly.com)
42 points by therealfeal on Oct 26, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Started reading with interest, but there's a little bit too much "inside baseball" to the post. You can tell these folks are neck-deep in what they do for a living and speak a different language.

Despite conceptually knowing a lot of the terms I had trouble because I don't live and breathe it everyday.

Yes, you should probably avoid making a SaaS without having a competitive knowledge in what makes that field tick.

I was reading your blog post with interest until a banner to sign up for a newsletter showed up and there was now way to close it.

Came here to say the same thing. A good example how to nerf a marketing opportunity by showing disrespect towards your reader.

I wonder if the click-through rate on those popups is worth the number of users who just close the tab? There must be some metric somewhere that deemed it better to shove a pop-up than just have something at the bottom "hey if you liked this you can subscribe for more".

Apologies! I'd actually JUST added that (at about 2:30 in the morning). I'll remove it for now and do some testing. Didn't expect it would be intrusive on mobile - sorry!

I saw an X appear above the box. Clicking it closed the newsletter. I'm on a desktop browser. Might be different on mobile.

Yeah the box was too large for mobile and took a lot of fiddling to drag the X into view.

Thanks for letting me know. I've removed it on mobile.

it’s still there unfortunately, no close button either.


I was impressed with this. I was worried it'd be formulaic, but it was really a play-by-play on how to find people interested in your product.

What I loved was that it showed that it's real work to do this, and people can tell. I get so many emails and approaches from people who clearly can't be bothered, and if they can't, why should I?

great article, I like the 4 laws you mentioned at the beginning

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