We need new data books, so we published one

# · 🔥 170 · 💬 31 · 2 years ago · theinformedcompany.com · thingsilearned · 📷
Two years ago we wrote We need new data books - so we started one kicking off the start of a book to aggregate the modern, agile data best practices we've learned through working with thousands of companies over the past decade. While there are an increasing number of blogs, newsletters and now even conferences on modern data, none of it quite pulls everything together in the way a book does - and until there are new books the old ones will continue to be utilized. We wrote this book for anyone who values data and believes that a well Informed Company is more competitive. It's a book for the working professional creating a practical, modern data stack that can make their knowledge workers knowledgeable, so they can win. Through working with thousands of customers at Chartio we've found that companies go through four main stages of Agile Data, and they are very much tied to what the data stack looks like at each stage. Data Modeling Practices - There's a full chapter with a number of examples, style guides, steps and best practices for data modeling. Someone should probably write a new full book solely on data modeling, but until then I believe this is the most in-depth data modeling teachings published in the past decade.
We need new data books, so we published one

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