The big idea around unikernels

# · 🔥 124 · 💬 98 · 2 years ago · · signa11 · 📷
City and as Go unikernels on Google Cloud. Honestly, we haven't even done the cool stuff with unikernels yet. Unikernels give us an excellent opportunity to do some long-overdue house cleaning. The isolation of unikernels is what attracted me to them, coming from the security industry. Unikernels can only run one and only one application per VM. So that means in your typical webserver stack, you have one VM as the actual webserver and another for your database. Unikernels are so much easier to debug than normal Linux systems. The big idea around unikernels, at least when it comes to the cloud, is that if the datacenter is the computer, then the cloud is its operating system - so let's start treating it like one and stop micro-managing thousands of individual ones.
The big idea around unikernels

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