BCHS: OpenBSD, C, httpd and SQLite web stack

# · 🔥 217 · 💬 149 · 2 years ago · learnbchs.org · davikrr · 📷
BCHS is an open source software stack for web applications. To prepare a BCHS environment, install OpenBSD, start your editor of choice, and get to work. Why bchs? because the open internet is inhospitable. Should I use the BCHS web stack? EuroBSDCon short answer, 2017/09. Is BCHS a joke? Software development is full of jokes. How do I pronounce BCHS? It's pronounced /biːtʃəz/, beaches. How can I hire BCHS developers? OpenBSD developers maintain an extensive list of support options, but these mostly relate to system administration.
BCHS: OpenBSD, C, httpd and SQLite web stack

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