Designing for a right to repair

#90 · 🔥 216 · 💬 92 · 2 years ago · · bryanrasmussen · 📷
Designers were brought up to design from cradle to grave. How can we design the last product our customers will ever need buy? From Teslas to insulin pumps, whether you design for it or not, the products we make will get opened up and repaired. This charming British design icon has 75 components, almost all of which can be used to repair the original 1981 design. Suddenly the whole product, inside and out, becomes a canvas for brand building, customer support and ultimately, design for repair. Principle 5 "Good design is designed for appropriate lifespan" is especially relevant here. It's time to design the last product our customers will ever buy.
Designing for a right to repair

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