Repurposing an old Android phone as a web server

#110 · 🔥 253 · 💬 132 · one year ago · · anthropodie · 📷
Do you have an old Android phone? Sure you do! There's a mind-blowing amount of electronic waste of all kinds, and with the average person in developed countries discarding their phones every couple of years, discarded smartphones are probably one of the most common forms of e-waste. I had an old Motorola G5 Cedric gathering dust, so I decided to do something with it - it is now running a Puma web server with a simple Sinatra webapp. Now, before going any further, you might be thinking: what is the real, practical use of all this? An old Android phone probably isn't going to have a stellar performance, but neither do those t2. Anyway, this is a short tutorial on how to repurpose an Android device as a web server - or any number of different things, really. Sinatra is a lightweight web application framework, and Puma is a web server. Just don't use WEBRick, the default Rails web server in development - it is single-process, single-threaded and thus not suitable for production environments. You probably want your web server to be accessible through the internet, so you'll have to set up port forwarding in your router to redirect incoming requests to your public IP address to your brand new Android web server.
Repurposing an old Android phone as a web server

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