How safe is Zig?

#110 · 🔥 261 · 💬 253 · one year ago · · orf · 📷
It's not yet clear how high the runtime and memory overhead will be. Zig also has a number of tools to help detect violations of temporal memory safety during testing. Windows: Some of the categories don't map neatly to spatial vs temporal. If we assume that 'stack corruption' is always temporal but 'heap corruption' could go either way then we have 23-36% spatial vs 28-41% temporal for 2018. If we narrow down to exploited issues then it's 0% spatial vs 75% temporal. I'd like to better understand why actual exploits appear here to rely more often on violating temporal memory safety. Rust bears additional complexity and friction to buy temporal memory safety and data race safety.
How safe is Zig?

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