Show HN: A tiny and fast reactive observables library via functions

#41 · ✸ 72 · 💬 38 · one year ago · · rahim_alwer · 📷
This is a tiny library for creating reactive observables via functions. The observable function will return the current value when invoked fn(), and provide a simple write API via set() and update(). Computed Creates a new observable whose value is computed and returned by the given function. Dependencies are are all observables that are read during execution. > $a.() + $b.( ; // Computed observables can be deeply nested. > $d.( ; $effect Invokes the given function each time any of the observables that are read inside are updated (i.e., their value changes). Disposed functions will retain their current value but are no longer reactive.
Show HN: A tiny and fast reactive observables library via functions

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