Show HN: Simple games ported to Scala 3 – Try them in the browser

#40 · ✸ 70 · 💬 25 · one year ago · · AlexITC · 📷
This is a collection of games ported from Scala 2 to Scala. Js: the source for each game is written in Scala, and Scala. Js cross compiled to run in the browser targeting the HTML5 Canvas. The original games can be found here and targeting Scala 2. Brick: use your paddle to bounce the ball up, destroying all the bricks before you run out of balls. The controls are generally up-down-left-right and spacebar; they aren't very complex games. Run sbt fastLinkJS. Run npm install to install the js dependencies.
Show HN: Simple games ported to Scala 3 – Try them in the browser

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