The SQLite Code of Ethics

#77 · 🔥 303 · 💬 377 · one year ago · · zaksingh · 📷
Therefore this document was renamed to "Code of Ethics", as we are encouraged to do by rule 71 in particular and also rules 2, 8, 9, 18, 19, 30, 66, and in the spirit of all the rest. The founder of SQLite, and all of the current developers at the time when this document was composed, have pledged to govern their interactions with each other, with their clients, and with the larger SQLite user community in accordance with the "Instruments of good works" from chapter 4 of The Rule of St. Benedict. This code of ethics has proven its mettle in thousands of diverse communities for over 1,500 years, and has served as a baseline for many civil law codes since the time of Charlemagne. No one is required to follow The Rule, to know The Rule, or even to think that The Rule is a good idea. The Founder of SQLite believes that anyone who follows The Rule will live a happier and more productive life, but individuals are free to dispute or ignore that advice if they wish. The founder of SQLite and all current developers have pledged to follow the spirit of The Rule to the best of their ability. They view The Rule as their promise to all SQLite users of how the developers are expected to behave.
The SQLite Code of Ethics

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