Scripts to Automate the Provisioning of a Yubikey

#112 · ✸ 22 · 💬 7 · one year ago · · dp-hackernews · 📷
The scripts found in this repo help automate the provisioning of a yubikey's OpenPGP applet. Table of contents Yubikey provisioning scripts Table of contents. This script will help you run all of the other helper scripts in the right order and with the right flags to create a new private key, subkeys, reset the openPGP applet of the connected yubikey and upload the subkeys to the yubikey. WARNING. To understand how the scripts work, I recommend reading through the various scripts found in the helper scripts folder. Individual scripts The helper scripts folder holds the various scripts used by the main script to provision yubikeys. Sh script will fully provision a yubikey by running all the above scripts in the given order. Kind of key you want: DSA RSA Elgamal RSA Existing key from card Your selection? Assumptions about the scripts All scripts The utility expect is installed and available in PATH. The gpg commandline utility is installed and available in PATH. The scdaemon utility is installed OR GnuPG suite is installed.
Scripts to Automate the Provisioning of a Yubikey

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