Joining the Church of Emacs

#113 · 🔥 125 · 💬 63 · one year ago · · zetaposter · 📷
Everything about Emacs, from its UI to the action performed when you press the Enter key, is hackable. You are encouraged to extend the behavior of the Emacs program by writing functions in the programming language it speaks: Emacs Lisp. MELPA, Milkypostman's Emacs Lisp Package Archive, is a repository of over 5000 automatically updated and curated Emacs Lisp packages. Perhaps we should implement a mode that puts cosmetics on Emacs so it will appeal to those who judge by the surface of things. Emacs is ridiculously malleable and I'm not the first person to attempt revamping the UI. "With a good idea of what's possible, I sought to customize Emacs to my liking. I was determined to make it look OK. First, I removed the title and menu bars, the scroll bar, and any cruft that cluttered my 14" laptop screen. Org is] a GNU Emacs major mode for keeping notes, authoring documents, computational notebooks, literate programming, maintaining to-do lists, planning projects, and more - in a fast and effective plain-text system. Throughout the last two years, I have used Vim, Neovim, VS Code, Jetbrains IDEs, DOOM Emacs, Spacemacs and now vanilla Emacs.
Joining the Church of Emacs

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