Muon: GPU Based Electron on a Diet

# · 🔥 169 · 💬 101 · one year ago · · nateb2022 · 📷
Muon is a lightweight alternative to Electron written in Golang in about ~300 LoC, using Ultralight instead of Chromium. Ultralight is a cross-platform WebKit rewrite using the GPU to target embedded desktop applications that resulted in a fast, lightweight, and low-memory HTML UI solution that blends the power of Chromium with the small footprint of Native UI. Full JS to Go interop. JS: Object Go: struct via JSON. Q: How do I setup Ultralight? Q: Is there perfect Chrome or Firefox feature parity? Q: How do I get rid of the Console on Windows? Add -ldflags -H=windowsgui to either your go build or go run to get rid of the window. Currently, Muon uses the 1.1 Ultralight pre-release that hasn't yet propagated to their main site and can only be downloaded from the Ultralight github repo. Q: How do I compile for x86? Currently, Ultralight only supports Windows for x86. While muon itself is MIT licensed, Ultralight is not. Ultralight is free for non-commercial use, educational use, and also free for commercial use by small indie developers making less than US$100,000 a year.
Muon: GPU Based Electron on a Diet

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