Lichess on Scala3 – Help needed

# · 🔥 445 · 💬 63 · one year ago · · dzogchen · 📷
Since its recent rewrite to scala3, Lichess is using way more CPU than usual, but the problem takes a while to kick in and has peculiar patterns. It's a big program running on a big server with lots of CPU and memory. Lila2 CPU usage, each spike is 24h. Vertical red lines are deploys/restarts. Lila3 CPU usage, each spike is 24h. CPU usage increases on the second day of runtime. The CPU usage is not regular, even during the worst times. During the worst times, when the JVM almost maxed out 90 CPUs, the GC was only using 3s of CPU time per minute. JVM args are the same as before: -Xms30g -Xmx30g -XX:+UseG1GC. lila2 runs scala 2.13.10, lila3 runs scala 3.2.1.SBT dependencies can be found in the lila github repo.
Lichess on Scala3 – Help needed

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