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Show HN: Scrollable ChatGPT Share URLs (gpt.best)
2 points by rileyt on Dec 5, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
I was getting really sick of taking and sharing multiple screenshots every time I wanted to share a ChatGPT thread, so I made https://gpt.best/

It's a minimal tool that creates shareable links [1] from ChatGPT conversations. It also has dynamic share images so you get a screenshot of the beginning of the thread for free.

1: https://gpt.best/k5Q5F9Up

Nicely formatted. I have a Python script that strips out a bunch of the menus and whatnot to post transcripts to my website. I had ChatGPT write the script for me, and I didn't bother cleaning it up further.

Example: https://www.thomasantony.com/chatgpt/ChatGPT_ParseTranscript...

^ That's the one where I had it generate the script.

Ha, nice work getting ChatGPT to do it. I started down the same route, but wanted to get it done fast so I'm just grabbing the relevant HTML and then adding a few styles to clean up things like controls.

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