What I'd like to see in Emacs

#111 · 🔥 179 · 💬 183 · one year ago · emacsconf.org · AJRF · 📷
Hello! I'm going to talk about what I would like to see in GNU Emacs in the future, and what I would prefer not to find there. GNU Emacs is a part of the GNU operating system, and the purpose of the GNU operating system is not simply to do a good job technically, not simply to be good to use. GNU Emacs is the first GNU program that I released. What would I like? What would other people like? Lots of people come to Emacs familiar with VS Code, and they say, "Please make Emacs more like VS Code. Change everything that you did in the 1980s and 90s to be like that other thing." That wouldn't be feasible even if we wanted to. Emacs Lisp is the variant of Lisp that we've always supported, which has evolved along with Emacs. One thing we want is to update the "Introduction to Emacs Lisp Programming" by the late Bob Chassell. With some effort, we could find calls from over here to over there that could be replaced by use of hooks, so that we could reduce the extent to which you need to know about one part of Emacs to maintain another part of Emacs, and I think that as we keep adding more facilities to Emacs, this kind of modularity will be an investment that pays off.
What I'd like to see in Emacs

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