Vivaldi integrates Mastodon in its desktop browser

#110 · ✸ 91 · 💬 45 · one year ago · · LeapfrogJump · 📷
We believe in providing alternatives to Big Tech while putting your privacy first and launched Vivaldi Social, our Mastodon instance. Today we are integrating Vivaldi Social into the sidebar of our desktop browser becoming the first browser to offer this functionality. Now it integrates Vivaldi Social, our Mastodon instance. If you are tired of Big Tech social networks and their lock-in algorithms, Vivaldi Social opens up possibilities for you to communicate with anyone on Mastodon whether they use Vivaldi or not. Vivaldi 5.6 is ready for you to download on your desktop. The new version - Vivaldi 5.6 - is the last release of the year 2022 on desktop. With Vivaldi Social, our Mastodon instance, we've opened up networking possibilities for you, our community, and everyone else concerned about their privacy and the growing state of surveillance, with a big-tech-free social media alternative.
Vivaldi integrates Mastodon in its desktop browser

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