Show HN: Get a Professional Headshot in Minutes with AI

# · 🔥 147 · 💬 142 · one year ago · · peteralaoui · 📷
Professional Headshots in minutes with Virtual Face. Create your pictures nowstarting $9.49 average processing time: 24min. Is there a money back guarantee? Yes if the processing didn't start or fail before completing. Once your processing has started we are already incuring costs and cannot refund the amount. All your images are yours and we are deleting them 7 days after your processing. Are you using my photos to train your AI model for other users? No. Your photos are only used to train your own fine-tuned model. The fine-tuning takes a base model which is already trained on a large variety of images, then we leverage the Dreambooth paper written by Google Researchers to align the diffusion model on your face.
Show HN: Get a Professional Headshot in Minutes with AI

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