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Helix: A Sleek Open-Source Portfolio Website (merylldindin.com)
23 points by meryll_dindin on March 22, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I've recently open-sourced "Helix", a project born out of my frustration with LinkTree's limitations. Helix is a visually appealing and customizable way to showcase your journey, projects, and objectives all in one place.

Built with the latest tech stack, including Nuxt3, Vue3, Rollup, Vite, SwiperJS, LottieJS, and Vuetify3, Helix offers a seamless user experience and performance. Deployment is a breeze, thanks to AWS. I also got to play with MidJourney for assets and GPT-4 for content.

I'm looking for your valuable feedback and suggestions to help me improve this project. Check out Helix on GitHub https://github.com/merylldindin/helix and take it for a spin :)

I didn't realize that the menu was actually a spinning cube until I tried to highlight the title text with my mouse cursor. Pretty cool

I have the same comment, couldn’t understand the purpose of it and then I noticed the small sliding animation that made me flip the cube. May I suggest something more obvious like arrows of some kind. Even better, I would add an auto rotation timer every few seconds to rotate the cube and flip sides. One the user understands how this works and rotates the cube manually, the auto timer can stop.

Thanks for sharing! Have been hesitating a lot between the swiping animation and the arrow — it has been hard to gage UX on this one, but seems like the arrows are somewhat of a more straightforward indication

I didn't realize that that was a swiping animation. It might be cool to pair it with rotating the cube in the swipe direction just enough to show that there are sides with extra information as a brief animation, then have it come back into place, or even show a slight rotation towards whichever direction the cursor is closest to as it's moving away from the middle. Or even show it in a quick spin right as the page loads

And I didn't realize it until I came back to HN and read your comment. Now I'm noticing the little "swipe sideways" animation (or whatever that's called), but I think it's too easy to miss. At least, it was for me, on mobile. That said, now that I know how it works, it works well, and looks great.

Thanks for sharing! I'll try to tweak that UX to make it slightly more straightforward

Good teaching for my UX skills haha glad you found out about it at the end!

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