Lua: The Little Language That Could

# · 🔥 413 · 💬 230 · 11 months ago · · mooreds · 📷
Lua is probably my favourite "Little language" - a language designed to have low cognitive load, and be easy to learn and use. Lua is not a complicated language, with relatively few features and not a lot of syntax to learn. Really, the true strength of Lua is that you can embed it almost anywhere - Lua is implemented as a library for a host program, like Redis. Lua defaults retries 3 timeout http-request 10s timeout queue 1m timeout connect 10s timeout client 1m timeout server 1m timeout http-keep-alive 10s timeout check 10s frontend fe main bind :8080 mode http http-request use-service lua. Lua frontend fe main bind :8080 mode http http-request use-service lua. The Lua community is not particularly large, but there is a lot of excellent development occuring, with many libraries available through the Lua package manager, LuaRocks. Is there really a conclusion? Lua is great, you can pick it up in a weekend and start taking advantage of it to write auth layers in HAProxy, World of Warcraft addons, a game in Roblox, script your window manager, map some networks or just small libraries that make you happy.
Lua: The Little Language That Could

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