RSS can be used to distribute all sorts of information

# · 🔥 317 · 💬 164 · one year ago · · walterbell · 📷
It should be used for so much more than just blog posts and statuses - especially when paired with rssCloud for instant updates. A web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. Why does it just have to be updates to a website? RSS can be used to distribute all sorts of information. Once you start adding custom namespaces the possibilities are amazing. There are way too many over-complicated protocols developed to do essentially the same things and the complexity excludes so many people. If we want true open communication and interoperability then things should be as simple as possible. Some might think 'artcasting' is a bad use of RSS but is there really such thing as 'bad use' if it achieves its goal of getting information from one place to another in a simple, reliable manner that doesn't require a computer science degree to achieve?
RSS can be used to distribute all sorts of information

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