Cuda.jl v3.3: union types, debug info, graph APIs

#104 · 🔥 154 · 💬 32 · 2 years ago · · ViralBShah · 📷
There have been several releases of CUDA.jl in the past couple of months, with many bugfixes and many exciting new features to improve GPU programming in Julia: CuArray now supports isbits Unions, CUDA.jl can emit debug info for use with NVIDIA tools, and changes to the compiler make it even easier to use the latest version of the CUDA toolkit. Jl set cuda break on launch all run macro expansion at. X l 1 using Test 2 3 using CUDA 4 5 function vadd(a, b, c) 6 i =.x-1) * blockDim(). CUDA.jl is now compatible with CUDA 11.3, as well as CUDA 11.3 Update 1. Of course, for CUDA.jl to use the latest versions of the CUDA toolkit, a sufficiently recent version of the NVIDIA driver is required. The driver's CUDA compatibility was a strict lower bound, and every minor CUDA release required a driver update. CUDA 11.0 comes with an enhanced compatibility option that follows semantic versioning, e.g., CUDA 11.3 can be used on an NVIDIA driver that only supports up to CUDA 11.0.
Cuda.jl v3.3: union types, debug info, graph APIs

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