Filtering out newsletter signup forms embedded in web articles

# · ✸ 62 · 💬 35 · 2 years ago · · k1m · 📷
A lesser known feature of ad blockers is their ability to do additional filtering using these lists to remove signup forms, social media share buttons, cookie warnings, and more. It contains over 2,000 filters targetting just the various newsletter and email signup blocks. If you browse with this list enabled in your ad blocker, you'll see much less of these embedded in articles. Applying filter lists in Push to Kindle, Simple Print, and Full-Text RSS. We've recently started applying most of the element filters in Fanboy's Annoyance List in our software. Fanboy's Annoyance filter list normally gets applied in the context of a full web page. Page context aside, researchers at Brave have done some interesting work to figure out how much of the popular filter lists are now stale. If you notice annoyances in articles or web pages that you read in your browser, please report them to the maintainers to help improve the list.
Filtering out newsletter signup forms embedded in web articles

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