Introduction to open source private LTE and 5G networks

# · 🔥 609 · 💬 117 · 2 years ago · · peter_d_sherman · 📷
Is the only way to go to your local mobile network operator and sign a contract? No! Thanks to open source technology, you can build your own LTE or 5G network. Mobile technologies like LTE or 5G give your private network great capabilities. You might be scared of high upfront costs required to start building an LTE or 5G network. Private LTE and 5G networks meet this need, and if they are based on open technologies also provide great price performance. Private mobile networks provide cost efficiency and great learning opportunities for universities. Military - private 5G networks are key in modern, connected military operations. Manufacturing - Mercedes Benz and Bosh already track production lines and optimize their manufacturing processes using private 5G networks and MEC. Decisions must be made fast, and on the spot.
Introduction to open source private LTE and 5G networks

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