My First CSS

# · 🔥 295 · 💬 103 · 2 years ago · · nhardy · 📷
The content will be 100% of the width of the parent element, but any borders and padding will make the element even wider. Property controls how an element and/or its children are laid out. Property affects how elements are positioned with respect to the flow of the document in combination with positioning properties. Takes the element out of the flow of the document and ancestors/siblings will be laid out as if the element were not present. Positioning properties specify offsets of where the element should be visually laid out relative to the nearest non-static. Along with positioning properties means that the element is removed from the normal flow of the document and instead laid out relative to the viewport. If positioning properties are specified, they will ensure the element is laid out always with that offset to the viewport.
My First CSS

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