The rise of never-ending job interviews

#5 · 🔥 965 · 💬 1166 · 2 years ago · · hhs · 📷
Some companies are asking candidates to attend multiple interviews. The internet is awash with similar stories jobseekers who've become frustrated with companies - particularly in the tech, finance and energy sectors - turning the interview process into a marathon. Companies tend to build in several interviews and assessments to check credentials, determine job capabilities, get additional opinions and learn about a candidate's personality. Previously, candidates applying for a job at Google could be subjected to more than a dozen interviews. The number of people involved in the process has also been reduced, because Google found that four interviewers could make the same hiring decisions that a larger number of interviewers had in the past. As Conley's experience shows, drawn-out interview processes can impact negatively on candidates' interest in the role. Interview fatigue affects both candidates and managers, so McDonald says candidates shouldn't be afraid to ask for more details about the motivation for additional rounds, especially if it will be tricky for them to take more time off from their current job.
The rise of never-ending job interviews

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