Six Years of Professional Clojure

# · 🔥 223 · 💬 238 · 2 years ago · · erez-rabih · 📷
Chen, Nanit's SVP R&D, had already implemented some services in Clojure and that's how I was introduced to Clojure as a language. During these years Nanit's backend group became larger and the question regarding choosing Clojure as our main programming language rose over and over again mainly due to the lack of experienced Clojure engineers which affected recruiting and introduced a longer onboarding process until a new engineer could be productive. As you see, the code is a Clojure list with the symbol defn, the function name and then comes a vector of arguments. Clojure has a great collection of tools for concurrent programming called clojure. It's not all flowers and butterfliesYes, Clojure is great, but like most decisions we make in life, the decisions that were made with Clojure are also tradeoffs. Clojure is a dynamic language which has its advantages but not once I stumbled upon a function that received a dictionary argument and I found myself spending a lot of time to find out what keys it holds. Another interesting issue that the lack of Clojure popularity introduces is that it is hard for new engineers to bring Clojure specific knowledge from outside into the company and enrich the existing team.
Six Years of Professional Clojure

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