Software projects need heroes? lessons learned from 1100 projects

#72 · 🔥 148 · 💬 48 · 2 years ago · · mpweiher · 📷
A "Hero" project is one where 80% or more of the contributions are made by the 20% of the developers. Those developers are called "Hero" developers. In the literature, heroes projects are deprecated since they might cause bottlenecks in development and communication. Further, recent studies show that such hero projects are very prevalent. Accordingly, this paper explores the effect of having heroes in project, from a code quality perspective by analyzing 1000+ open source GitHub projects. Based on the analysis, this study finds that majority of the projects are hero projects; andthe commits from "Hero developers" result in far fewer bugs than other developers. That is, contrary to the literature, heroes are standard and very useful part of modern open source projects.
Software projects need heroes? lessons learned from 1100 projects

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