Enumerating and analyzing 40 non-V8 JavaScript implementations

#99 · ✸ 97 · 💬 28 · 2 years ago · notes.eatonphil.com · EntICOnc · 📷
V8 is, I'm sure, the most used implementation of JavaScript today. What else is out there? What if I want to embed JavaScript in a C program, or a Go program, or a Rust program, or a Java program(, and so on)? It turns out there are a ton of high-quality implementations out there. These are implementations that would make sense to look into for your own commercial, production applications. Notes: Replaced Nashorn as the default JavaScript implementation in JDK... Mozilla's Rhino: interprets and compiles JavaScript to JVM bytecode. Notes: Replaced Rhino as default JavaScript implementation on JVM. Replaced by GraalJS more recently, but remains actively developed... EmbeddableNginx's njs. Implementations toward the top are more reliable and proven. New post is up! Enumerating and analyzing 40+ non-V8 JavaScript implementations; of course with links to source code and parser & runtime/backend decisions.
Enumerating and analyzing 40 non-V8 JavaScript implementations

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