Replacing my Octopress blog with 200 lines of Babashka

#33 · 🔥 159 · 💬 26 · 2 years ago · · grzm · 📷
Writing blog posts in a convenient format: markdown is good enough, let's keep it. Let's see if I can rewrite my blog with a babashka script. The :legacy true flag is for blog posts that existed before the rewrite so I can create redirect pages for them. I plan to no longer include the date in the direct blog post URLs, but I don't want to break the web for older blog posts. Edn file with babashka tasks to create new blog posts. Md :title "Migrating this blog from octopress to babashka". Bb tasks The following tasks are available: new Create new blog article render Render blog watch Watch posts and templates and call render on file changes publish Publish to blog.
Replacing my Octopress blog with 200 lines of Babashka

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