Show HN: Weird JSON

# · ✸ 19 · 💬 2 · 2 years ago · · graderjs · 📷
A menagerie of strange, encoded JSONs, for connoisseurs. Real JSON is waay better than OP. Or at least use Protobuf, it's popular and created by Google, or bson. Have you ever heard of Base64? Just curious why you chose to name it 46? And why JSON? There's specific definitions of 46, and JSON, and they don't say anything about this. You can make a Chinese JSON, an emoji JSON, and then safely protect it and in the darkness bind it so only 36 alphanumerics plus 7 unique JSON structural symbols, plus 3 highly-coveted numeric specifiers are present. Designagistics can I have a JSON format that effortlessly supports Unicode everywhere without any problems? Can I have a JSON that supports Bigints and typed arrays as well as null undefined and symbols? What if I want to say JSON over the telephone or radio?
Show HN: Weird JSON

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