Hello Mac OS X Tiger

#36 · 🔥 376 · 💬 316 · 2 years ago · bunn.dev · ronyfadel · 📷
You fire up Safari, go to Yahoo! and start searching for Xcode tutorials besides a bunch of Geocities websites mentioning "Web 2.0", you don't find much information online on how to create apps for Tiger. Write the project name like "Hello Tiger" and click Finish. Now you have your basic project, not a lot going on, so let's start changing it! On the left side, you can see your project files structure, expand the Resources folder and double click on MainMenu. Nib window, select Classes, select NSObject and press Enter. Xib, right click on your MainWindowController and select Instantiate MainWindowController. Right click on your MainViewController and select Create Files for MainViewController. Build and Go. Click on Build and Go and you'll see your app, type anything on the textField, click on the button and there you go, your first app on Mac OS X Tiger.
Hello Mac OS X Tiger

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