Nerd-dictation, hackable speech to text on Linux

#99 · 🔥 202 · 💬 60 · 2 years ago · · ideasman42 · 📷
This is a utility that provides simple access speech to text for using in Linux without being tied to a desktop environment. Hackable User configuration lets you manipulate text using Python string operations. Time Out Optionally end speech to text early when no speech is detected for a given number of seconds. User Configuration Script User configuration is just a Python script which can be used to manipulate text using Python's full feature set. Nerd-dictation [-h] ... This is a utility that activates text to speech in Linux. Output OUTPUT METHOD Method used to at put the result of speech to text. Recording and speech to text a performed in parallel.
Nerd-dictation, hackable speech to text on Linux

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