Wine 7.0

# · 🔥 419 · 💬 151 · 2 years ago · · TangerineDream · 📷
WoW64 - The 64-bit Windows-on-Windows architecture is implemented, and supports running a 32-bit Windows application inside a 64-bit Unix host process, using thunks to map 32-bit NT system calls to the 64-bit NTDLL. - WoW64 thunks are implemented for most Unix libraries, enabling a 32-bit PE module to call a 64-bit Unix library. Graphics - There's a new Win32u library implementing the kernel side of graphics and window management support. This is not supported on Windows, and was no longer used by Wine either. The Media Foundation support is more complete, with notably: - Basic functionality of IMFPMediaPlayer, media item properties, support for audio and video tracks. The Wine Debugger supports debugging a 32-bit target process from the 64-bit debugger. This enables supporting multiple architectures with a single Wine installation, as well as Winelib cross-compilation. The previous method, handling DLL WINE PREATTACH in DllMain, is no longer supported.
Wine 7.0

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