Brave Search Goggles: Alter search rankings with rules and filters

#29 · 🔥 494 · 💬 264 · one year ago · · llevert · 📷
Goggles enable anyone, be it individuals or a community, to alter the ranking of Brave search by using a set of instructions. Essentially Goggles act as a custom re-ranking on top of Brave's search index. Goggles allows for users to counter such intrinsic biases in the ranking, and also to create custom search experiences that couldn't be covered by an all-purpose search engine such as Brave Search. Goggles are owned solely by their creators and, if public, can be used by anyone on top of Brave Search index. Want to start building your own goggles, or fork or extend existing ones? Check out our Goggles quickstart guide. Want to learn more about the motivation for Goggles? Check out the Goggles whitepaper. Brave does not track the queries of any of its users, and searching with Goggles is no exception.
Brave Search Goggles: Alter search rankings with rules and filters

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