Things I do every time I start a Django project

#109 · 🔥 220 · 💬 123 · one year ago · · 8b16380d · 📷
A lot! Django is my go-to framework for spinning up a quick personal project, and while it's a fantastic framework, a big part of the reason I love Django is that it feels familiar. While it's one that you can get away with if you're keeping your source private, I reconfigure the SECRET KEY as an environment variable on every new project. Change the database configuration to DATABASE URL. Django uses SQLite out of the box for new projects. I always try to name my first app after the primary model that the project is about. You're starting a project with an idea, and if you're using Django that idea probably revolves around a particular model. By default, Django will look for templates inside each of your INSTALLED APPS. As the project grows you might move this into a more central location. You can now push this project to a public repository without leaking your SECRET KEY or database credentials.
Things I do every time I start a Django project

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